
Professor of Education in Applied Linguistics                                         Oct ’17 – present
University of East Anglia, UK (part-time)

Professor of Applied Linguistics (Personal Chair)                            Sept ’09 – Sept 2017
Director of Centre for Applied English Studies
The University of Hong Kong

Professor of Applied Linguistics in Education (Personal Chair)         Oct ’04 – Sept ’09
Reader in Education                                                                                      Oct ’03 – Sept ’04
Head of the Centre for Academic and Professional Literacies.
University College London, Institute of Education
(Commended for Best practice by UK QAA for supporting
International Students, 2006)

Associate Professor (Scale A)                                                                    Sept ’96 – Sept ’03
Department of English & Communication
City University of Hong Kong.

University Lecturer                                                                                      Sept ’94 – Aug ’96
English Department, Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Senior Lecturer and Head of Department                                                 Jan ’91 – Aug ’94
English as an International Language Dept.
International Pacific University, New Zealand

Lecturer II (Higher) in Language & Communication Dept.                 Aug ’88 – Dec ’90
PNG University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea.

Deputy Chairman of Science Reading Dept.                                             Sep ’84 – Jul ’88
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.

Coordinator/Writer for ESP courses                                                         April – Sept 1984
The Bell School of Languages, Norwich.

Teacher in a Malaysian Secondary School                                                 Oct ’80 – Dec’83
The Centre for British Teachers, London.

EFL teacher                                                                                                      July & Aug 1980
The Bell School of Languages, Norwich.

EFL teacher to Middle & Secondary students                                           Oct ’78 -Jun ’80
Riyadh Schools, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

EFL teacher/Acting Director of Studies                                                    Aug & Sept 1978
Quinn’s School of English, London.

EFL/Literature teacher at higher secondary school.                               Aug ’77-May ’78
White Nile Secondary School, Ed Dueim, Sudan.