Keynote Speech at the 13th Symposium on Teaching and Researching Foreign Language Writing
Feedback on writing: what do the participants say about it?
SYFLAT Annual Workshop (2021-2022) on Data Analysis
Options for teaching writing: Text, writer and reader orientations
SYFLAT Annual Workshop (2021-2022) on Data Analysis
Community and Identity in Academic Writing
Interview by Language Podcast

Podcast “New Books in Language” interviewed Professor Ken Hyland for his new book Second Language Writing (Cambridge University Press, 2019). In this interview, Professor Hyland talked about the importance of reflection to teaching, the importance of teaching to research, and about the importance of research to reflection.
SDUTSJ Conference 2020
Working with writing: understanding texts, writers and readers
SALT Virtual Lecture Series (Teachers College, Columbia University):
Reworking Research: Interactions in Articles and Blogs
Academic blogs are becoming increasingly frequent, visible and important in both disciplinary and ‘outreach’ communication, offering a space for scholars to disseminate their work to new and wider audiences of experts and lay people. This digital medium, however, also brings challenges to writers in the form of a relatively unpredictable readership and immediate, public, and potentially hostile criticism. To understand how writers in the social sciences respond to this novel rhetorical situation, in this talk Ken Hyland explores how academics discoursally recontextualize in blogs work which they have previously published in journal articles. Based on two corpora of 30 blog posts and 30 journal articles with the same authors and topics, Hyland examines how researchers carefully construct a different writer persona and relationships with their readers using the stance and engagement framework (Hyland, 2005). In addition to supporting the view that the academic blog is a hybrid genre situated between academic and journalistic writing, this talk shows how writers’ interactional choices help define and distinguish different rhetorical contexts.
Introducing the Ken Hyland Best Paper Award in 2021
Journal of English for Academic Purposes is delighted to announce a new annual Best Paper prize. The prize will be awarded in honour of Ken Hyland, who together with Liz Hamp-Lyons founded the journal in 2001. Ken served as co-editor from 2001 to 2009, and again from 2015 to 2018. We hope to award the Ken Hyland prize for the first time in 2021, to celebrate the journal’s 20th anniversary.
“This paper is absolutely ridiculous” – peer reviews that hurt
A blog Ken wrote for the HK Academy of the Humanities
Keynote speech at CAES International Conference Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English
Academic Interaction: Where’s it all Going?
Professor Ken Hyland discusses interaction in academic writing
- highlights there is a perception of the growing realization of interaction – stance, in particular
- uses corpus data from leading journals to explore changes over the past 50 years in the use of stance and engagement
- somewhat surprisingly, finds a shift to more explicit interpersonal interactions in the sciences and to more detached practices in the soft fields
Keynote speech at The Writing Roundtable 2017: Writing for Readers
Feedback on Writing: Faculty and Student Perceptions
Keynote speech at CAES International Conference Faces of English 1: Theory, Practice and Pedagogy
Anecdote, attitude and evidence. Does English disadvantage EAL authors in international publishing?
Professor Ken Hyland examines whether English language ability is a major hurdle for non-native speaking authors in international publishing.
- critically examines the evidence for linguistic disadvantage in academic publishing by L2 writers
- acknowledges there is ample anecdotal evidence of such disadvantage
- however concludes that language ability is less of a factor than resources and research writing expertise
Keynote speech at the 2012 Genre Conference at Carleton University
Keynote speech at the BALEAP 2015 Conference
Interview on academic writing and publishing
Professor Ken Hyland talks about the importance of academic writing, both for second language learners and for academic writers publishing their work.
Publishing research in international journals: Interview with Professor Ken Hyland
Professor Ken Hyland’s entry in The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics Entry on Ken Hyland by Pilar Mur Dueñas
Mere Rhetoric Podcast at the University of Texas of Austin, introducing Professor Ken Hyland