Other Presentations


  • Informality and academic writing.  What’s new?  American Assn for Corpus Linguistics.  Iowa State University, USA.  Sept 16-18, 2016


  • Targeting learners academic writing needs at Hong Kong U. TESOL Convention. Toronto, Canada.  25-28 March 2015
  • Undergraduate understandings: stance and engagement in L2 undergraduate writing,” TESOL Convention. Toronto, Canada.  25-28 March 2015


  • A corpus approach to academic identity.  AILA Conference. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 10th-15th August, 2014.
  • Faculty feedback: perceptions and practices in L2 disciplinary writing. AILA Conference. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 10th-15th August, 2014.
  • Corpora and change in English language teaching.  TESOL Conference in Portland, Oregon. March 26-29, 2014.
  • What do faculty want? Perceptions on feedback to L2 writers. TESOL Conference in Portland, Oregon. March 26-29, 2014.
  • Writing -to-Learn’: Faculty Expectations of L2 Disciplinary Writing. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Portland, Oregon. March 22-25, 2014.
  • Innovation and change in English language education.  American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Portland, Oregon. March 22-25, 2014.


  • The academic homepage: identity construction or brand management?  British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference. Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. 5th – 7th September 2013.


  • Academic Culture – Students and culture shock. TESOL Conference. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 28-31 March, 2012.
  • Individuality or conformity? Identity in university and personal academic homepages. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Boston, Massachusetts 24-27 March, 2012.


  • ‘Constructing an academic identity in article bio statements AILA Conference, Beijing, China. 23-28 August, 2011.
  • Understanding English in the disciplines.  EAP in the new curriculum Seminar. Hong Kong University May 6th & 17th.
  •  “He works as a lecturer”: identity in academic bio statements. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Chicago, Illinois March 26-29, 2011.


  • Identifying disciplinary differences: some things a corpus can tell us. Universitas 21 Conference on Digital humanities. University of Birmingham, UK. 14th-16th September, 2010.
  • Promotion and information: Evaluation in Journal Descriptions.  British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Annual Conference, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 9th-11th September, 2010
  • ‘The leading journal in its field’: evaluation in journal descriptions. American Assn for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference 2010. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 6-8 March, 2010.


  • Reformulation in academic writing: shaping disciplinary argument. British Assn for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference.2009. Newcastle University. 2-5 September, 2009.
  • Words worth studying? Exploring the idea of an academic vocabulary. UPALS Conference. Penang, Malaysia, 27-28 May, 2009.
  • Teaching genre in the disciplines: how applied linguistics can help. Annual Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Denver, CO, USA.  24-28 March, 2009.
  • Reworking writing: elaboration in academic research articles. American Assn for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference.2009, Denver, CO, USA.  21-23 March, 2009.


  • Metadiscourse: mapping interactions in academic writing. AILA Conference, Essen, Germany. 24-29 August, 2008.


  • Perspectives on researching and teaching writing. CALR Seminar. University of Southampton. 17 January, 2007.


  • Writing in the academy: reputation, education and knowledge. Professorial inaugural lecture. Institute of Education, London. 17 October, 2006.
  • Interaction and argument in science. European Society for the Study of English Annual Conference, University of London. August, 2006.
  • Metadiscourse: a study of interactions in postgraduate dissertations. A conference in honour of John Swales. University of Michigan. July, 2006.
  • Small bits of textual material. American Assn for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada.  July, 2006.
  • Interacting in academic writing. Applied Language and Literacies Research Seminar. Open University, Milton Keynes. 16 February, 2006.


  • ‘Special thanks to…’: acknowledgements in dissertations. Applied Linguistics seminar series, Institute of Education, London.  9 November, 2005.
  • Disciplinary differences: Language variation in academic discourses.  European Languages for Specific Purposes Conference. University of Bergamo, Italy. Sept 2005.
  • Stance and engagement in Research writing. English Language Institute, University of Michigan, USA. 4 August, 2005.
  • A model of disciplinary interactions. AILA Conference. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 25- 29 July.
  • Writing practices and EAP pedagogies. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 27-28 May, 2005.
  • Interacting in academic writing: Disciplinary practices. University of Northumberland Research Seminar.Newcastle. March, 2005.


  • ‘I’d like to thank my supervisor’: acknowledgements in dissertations. International Language in Education Conference. Hong Kong Institute of Education. December, 2004.
  • Graduate’s gratitude: the structure of dissertation acknowledgements. British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference. King’s College, London.   September, 2004.
  • Acknowledgements in academic writing. Analyzing Discourse in Context, IVACS Annual Conference. Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.  June, 2004.
  • Gratitude and strategy: The anatomy of dissertation acknowledgements. American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference. Portland, USA.   April, 2004.


  • Acknowledgements in L2 theses. BALEAP symposium on Corpus analysis and EAP. University of Reading, UK. 15 November, 2003.
  • Dissertation acknowledgements:  public gratitude or personal vanity? Languages for Specific Purposes Conference. University of Surrey, UK. 17-22 August, 2003.


  • Mitigation and misunderstanding in teacher feedback. AILA conference, Singapore, December, 2002.  {With Fiona Hyland}
  • So what is the point? Questions in academic writing. AILA conference, Singapore, December, 2002.
  • Patterns of engagement: constructing readers in research papers. 28th International Systemic Linguistics Conference. University of Liverpool, UK. 15-19 July, 2002.
  • Disciplinary engagement: interacting with readers in research articles. 2nd Knowledge and Discourse Conference.  Hong Kong University. 20-24 June, 2002.
  • Genre: theory, ideology and pedagogy.Annual Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Salt Lake City, USA. 9-13 April, 2002.


  • Publishing in language teaching journals: perspectives from editors. International Language in Education Conference. University of Hong Kong. 13-15 December, 2001. Colloquium Convener.
  • “As I demonstrated in a previous paper”: Self-mention in academic articles. American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference.  St Louis, MO, USA. 24-27 February, 2001.
  • ESP: influences and impacts.Annual Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). St Louis, MO, USA. 28 Feb-3 March, 2001.


  • ‘Some momentary disappointments’: evaluations in academic reviews. Research and Practice in Professional Discourse Conference. City University of Hong Kong. 13-18 November, 2000.
  • Epistemic modality and the negotiation of knowledge. Modality in LSP Conference. University of Bergamo, Italy. 5-6 May, 2000.
  • Interpersonal grammar in writing (Discussion session on writing). Annual Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Vancouver, 15-18 March, 2000.
  • ‘As we showed in an earlier paper’: self-mention in research articles. Conference on the Academic Research Article. Polytechnic University, 17 January 2000.


  • Drops of vinegar in the salad oil: praise and criticism in academic book reviews. AILA Conference. Wasada University, Tokyo. 1-5 August, 1999.
  • Negotiations in academic reviews. Conference on Research in EAP: Issues and Approaches. Hong Kong, 21 June, 1999.
  • Saying what others said: citation in disciplinary knowledge-making. American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference.  New York, 6-9 March, 1999.
  • Reporting verbs in academic writing: a cross-disciplinary study. Annual Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). New York, 10 -13 March, 1999.


  • Hedging: reasons for using it and strategies for teaching it. International Language in Education Conference. HK Institute of Education, 17-19 December, 1998.
  • Boosting and hedging in disciplinary discourse. American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference. Seattle, Washington, 14-17 March, 1998.
  • Teaching hedging in academic writing. Annual Conference of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Seattle, Washington, 18-21 March, 1998.


  • Talking to readers: metadiscourse in academic articles.  International Conference on Discourse Analysis. University of Macau.  16-18 October, 1997.
  • Disciplinary identity in research writing: metadiscourse and academic communities. 11th European Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. Copenhagen Business school, University of Copenhagen. 18-22 August, 1997.
  • Who needs English? Hong Kong learner attitudes to EAP. RELC Conference. RELC, SEAMEO Centre, Singapore. 21-23 April, 1997.


  • Into the countdown: language attitudes in 1997 Hong Kong. 3rd Annual World Englishes Conference. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA.  19-21 December, 1996.
  • Academic texts and disciplinary cultures: creating a world of discourse. 21st Annual Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia. University of Western Sydney, Australia. 3-6 October, 1996.
  • Hedges and ideology in scientific discourse. 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Jyvaskyla, Finland. 4-9 August, 1996.
  • Assertions in students’ academic essays: a comparison of L1 and L2 writers Language Analysis and Description: Applications in Language Teaching Conference. Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and Lingnan College, Hong Kong. 26-29 June 1996.
  • What do we read? Creating a personal TESOL library. Sixteenth Bi-annual Thai TESOL Conference. Ambassador City, Pattaya, Thailand. 11-13 January, 1996.


  • EAP: is it as important as we think it is? International Language in Education Conference.  University of Hong Kong. 13-15 December, 1995.
  • How good are our textbooks? A look at hedging. MELTA Biennial International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of English.  Kuala Lumpur, 22-24 May, 1995.
  • Scientific English: hedging in a foreign culture. RELC Conference on Exploring Language, Culture and Literature in Language Learning. SEAMEO Centre, Singapore. 17-19 April, 1995.
  • Textbooks v real language: getting serious about being tentative. Third International Conference in Teacher Education in Second Language Teaching. City University of Hong Kong.  14-16 March, 1995.


  • The author in the text: hedging professional writing. International Language in Education Conference. University of Hong Kong.  14-16 December, 1994.
  • Hedging and pragmatic failure in academic discourse. 4th NZ Language & Society Conference.  Lincoln University, Christchurch, NZ.  23-24 August, 1994.


  • Language styles and Japanese students.  6th ELICOS Assn. Education Conference. ELICOS Colonial Club Resort, Cairns, Australia. 1- 3 September, 1993.


  • Integrating process & product in an ESL syllabus.  5th ELICOS Assn. Education Conference. English Language Intensive Courses to Overseas Students Assn. Ramada Grand Hotel, Adelaide, Australia. 1-3 October, 1992.
  • Genre theory & ELT: an overview. 3rd National Conference on Community Languages and English for Speakers of Other Languages. Auckland Institute of Technology, New Zealand. 31 Aug – 2 Sept, 1992.
  • The word processor and teaching writing skills.  1992  Annual Conference. New Zealand Assn. of Language Teachers. University of Waikato, New Zealand.  12-14 May, 1992.


  • CALL and the EAP Classroom. 4th ELICOS Assn. Education Conference English Language Intensive Courses to Overseas Students Assn. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. August 21-23, 1991.
  • Cooperative language learning . 1991 Annual Conference. New Zealand Assn. of Language Teachers Terraces Hotel, Queenstown, New Zealand. 13-16 May, 1991.


  • Towards a communicative methodology.  1990 Annual TESLA conference. PNG Teachers of English as a Second Language  Assn. PNG University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea. 25-26, June, 1990.


  • Conducting Social Impact Surveys in PNG Paper delivered to Annual Forestry Symposium Unitech, Lae, Papua New Guinea.  4- 15 September, 1989.
  • Developing Grade 12 Writing Skills. 1989 Annual TESLA conference PNG Teachers of English as a Second Language Assn. University of Papua New Guinea, Port Morseby, Papua New Guinea.  27-28 June, 1989.